I had a dream…
One of the best things we could have in life is starting the year among a bunch of friends. It’s even better when we’re able to extend this moment that usually last a couple of hours to days, months or even years. Be surrounded by friends, people with shared interests, people that are able to hear and dialogue in a human and intelligent way, is a gift for which we should be grateful. Among the people that are receiving this message today, are friends of several moments and several histories of different interlacings: some that i already know for long time, some with whom i’ve already had breakfast, some whose…
Small House Society – Sociedade da Casa Mínima
A Small House Society é uma organização gerenciada de forma cooperativa dedicada a promover alternativas de moradias menores e mais ecológicas. Seus membros praticam os preceitos que pregam. A Small House Society é a voz do Small House Movement (Movimento da Casa Mínima), movimento que inclui artistas de cinema que agora vivem em espaços menores que 900 metros quadrados (!), famílias que vivem felizes em pequenos bangalôs feitos à mão e exemplos mais extremos como pessoas que vivem em pequenos trailers ou casinhas com apenas alguns metros quadrados ao seu redor. Os fundadores da Small House Society, Jay Shafer, Shay Salomon, Nigel Valdez e Gregory Johnson defendem que, com…
Carta de Princípios do Fórum Social Mundial
Só pra lembrar que "um outro mundo é possível": "The World Social Forum is an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and interlinking for effective action, by groups and movements of civil society that are opposed to neoliberalism and to domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism, and are committed to building a planetary society directed towards fruitful relationships among Humanking and between it and the Earth." Continue lendo nesta página ou na fonte .